How To

How to config SOPS in Helm

February 28, 2021
Helm, Kubernetes, How To
Helm, Helmcharts, Sops, Kubernetes, Helmfile, Cluster, Helm-Secrets, Secrets

In our previous post about helmfile, we spoke briefly about sops, but we didn’t use it or speak more about it… Now it’s the time to do that. With SOPS, we can have a file in our repo that is encrypted by sops and have the variables to use in our chart through Helmfile there. What is Sops? # If we take a look at the Project, we’ll see that Mozilla defines SOPS as “an editor of encrypted files that supports YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY formats and encrypts with AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault and PGP”. ...

How to set up your kluster with helmfile

January 30, 2021
Helm, Kubernetes, How To, Cluster
Cluster, Helm, Helmcharts, Kubernetes, Helmfile

Helmfile is a tool that allows you to get more out of Helm. When you use helmfile, you can implement as many charts as you want. Helmfile allows you to template the charts with the values that you want, and it will ship it to your cluster. Helmfile brings modular deployments too, by this I mean that you can have a huge list of deployments, and you can say deploy only this group of helmchart, you can also deploy them in sequence. ...

How to Install Gitlab on Debian 9

January 23, 2020
Gitlab, Debian, Linux, How To
GitLab, GitLab in Debian 9, GitLab in Debian, GitLad Installation, How to Install GitLab, Installations

Let’s go with another installation. I’m not really sure about installing GitLab on my server, but I have been thinking a lot about it. I had installed Git which I like, but I tried one years ago and I like it but I haven’t installed it on my server. GitLab is a really good tool. You can have it installed on your server and you can create different teams and just developers. ...